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Agora Changelog

Stay up to date with the latest changes with Agora's development. Please report bugs and feedback using this form.

Agora Optimism Office Hours

Join us for a monthly Google Meet where we discuss all things OP governance related.
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February 23rd, 2024

Governance Client Changlelog #1

Good morning OP collective,

We have been hard at work making this app worthy of the community we serve and hopefully from the list of changes and bugs that we have fixed, hopefully you will agree.

We will be providing these updates each week. Sometimes we will have much to say and sometimes less, but always the latest commits and areas of improvements we are looking to make better in the coming week.

Since the launch, most of our time has been centered around one thing, hardening our advanced delegation beta and advanced voting. This allows for our beta users to break their delegations into fractional pieces and then vote with those pieces. We are still looking to make that process even easier and bring down the number of transactions for delegates with advanced delegations to vote from 2 to 1, and that will come soon.

We have also been making small updates to performance issues we noticed in the delegation and proposal rendering pipelines, along with some improvements to how we handle delegate cards.

Finally, we have robust new preview image support for X, Farcaster, LinkedIn and other social platforms.

Don't forget to follow us and tag us in the chats on Discord.

All the best,

Kent, Co-founder at Agora

Major updates

Minor updates

Bug fixes

December 18th, 2023

Agora Optimism V6 Governance Beta Launch πŸš€ πŸŽ‰

Launch Day is here. The new Agora Beta Client for Optimism governance is live at https://opbeta.voteagora.com.

This new beta improves on the existing governance client and adds:

  • Support for the new Optimism V6 Governor
  • Support for new Quorum and Proposal Types
  • A robust voteable supply oracle to simplify proposal creation
  • Beta support for advanced delegation
  • Enhanced user interface for better user experience
  • Performance improvements

What does Beta support for Advanced Delegation Mean?

Advanced delegation is by far the most complex feature that Agora has added to the Optimism goevrnance stack in 2023. The idea is so simple and powerful, starting today, you are able to take an EOA balance and partially delegate it to any number of different addresses.

Gone are the days of fully delegating all of your voting power, you can now give a little bit to many addresses, or a lot to a few addresses. The choice is yours.

Given how different this is from existing delegation, we are testing the feature with a smaller group of delegates over the next few weeks, and this group will use it to vote during the next round of votes in 2024. Once we are confident in the mechanics on the client side (the contract is already deployed), we will be rolling it out to more and more of the OP community.

Whatβ€˜s next?

We will continue improving the beta client based on your feedback and improving the advanced delegation experience. We will also be adding more features to reach partity with our existing client that lives at https://vote.optimism.io.